Quiz Questions with Answers of Subject Verb Agreement

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Quiz Questions with Answers of Subject Verb Agreement

Quizzes are great resources for testing your knowledge and retention of important concepts. However, sometimes it can be challenging to find quiz questions that accurately cover the topic you are studying. Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar concept that can be particularly challenging, but with the right quiz questions, you can test your understanding and improve your skills.

In this article, we`ll provide you with quiz questions and answers for subject-verb agreement to help you improve your grammar skills.

1. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence: The team of students ____ working on the project.

A) is

B) are

C) were

D) have

Answer: A) is.

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is `team,` which is singular. Therefore, the correct verb to use is the singular verb `is.`

2. Which of the following sentences has a subject-verb agreement error?

A) My brother and I is going to the park.

B) The kids in the class are smart.

C) Neither the teacher nor the students have understood the rules.

D) The dog barks loudly every morning.

Answer: A) My brother and I is going to the park.

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is `My brother and I,` which is plural. Therefore, the correct verb to use is the plural verb `are,` not the singular verb `is.`

3. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence: Each of the students ____ a book from the library.

A) borrow

B) borrows

C) borrowed

D) have borrowed

Answer: B) borrows.

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is `Each,` which is singular. Therefore, the correct verb to use is the singular verb `borrows.`

4. Which of the following sentences has a subject-verb agreement error?

A) The team of players run out onto the field.

B) The glass of water was half full.

C) The group of friends are going to the movies.

D) The box of books were heavy.

Answer: D) The box of books were heavy.

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is `box,` which is singular. Therefore, the correct verb to use is the singular verb `was,` not the plural verb `were.`

5. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence: The news _____ disappointing.

A) is

B) are

C) were

D) have been

Answer: A) is.

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is `news,` which is singular. Therefore, the correct verb to use is the singular verb `is.`

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement can be tricky, but with the right quiz questions, you can improve your grasp of this important grammar concept. Use the quiz questions and answers provided in this article to test your understanding and practice your skills. By practicing more, you`ll be able to perfect your use of subject-verb agreement and communicate more effectively.

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